Spiritual Formation and Direction
Where the river flows to the ocean at Cannon Beach
“To “listen” another's soul into a condition of disclosure and discovery may be almost the greatest service that any human being ever performs for another.” —Douglas Steere
Spiritual Formation And Direction
Spiritual Formation is the slow, mysterious work of the Holy Spirit to transform us more and more into the likeness of Christ for the sake of our neighbors and the glory of God.
Formation can be imagined the way the river forms the sandy bank in the image above as it runs out toward the ocean. As the water (Spirit) flows along the sandy bank (us), here and there pieces of the bank fall off and are gently washed away. One cannot predict which pieces will break off, from where they’ll break, and when they’ll fall because the water is working under the surface of the sand.
Likewise, transformation happens mostly underneath and behind in the unseen places of our lives. Our transformation is God’s work by way of His Spirit. It is sacred. It doesn’t need our help, though it often requires our permission and surrender. There are practices that make us more malleable, for certain. Allowing others to bear witness to God’s work in our lives can be a powerful catalyst for both worship and maturity.
Bearing witness to God’s formation can happen with a soul friend, with a spiritual director, or in intentional formation groups. If you would like to join a formation group please contact me to be placed on a list of those interested. As we gather enough for a new group, I will contact you to move forward. If a more individualized experience sounds more comfortable, read on…
Again, formation is often powerfully catalyzed by intentionally attending to God’s work with a companion along life’s journey.
One day I stood and silently watched the formation of the river banks lost in the metaphor of Spiritual direction, I saw a man walk up to the bank and begin stomping all along the bank trying to break off chunks of sand. Mostly the sand did not give way…certainly not in the magical way it does as the river forms its own new course.
Unfortunately, sometimes we can do this to one another. Instead of bearing witness, some want to force the work by stomping on the banks. Often this is how people experience discipleship in the church. Sometimes we try to make people into what we want them to be on our timeline. This kind of approach can look and feel like an assault on a weary soul.
A spiritual director stands and bears witness, tries not to impede or influence the work of the Living Water. She points to the work God is doing.
There is a tremendous amount of silence and listening in spiritual direction. Something real and tangible happens in the process of bearing witness to the work of God. I consider it the greatest privilege in life to be invited into such sacred space. I hope you will allow me to be a sacred witness to your walk with Christ.